Aggravated Assault: Electric Boogaloo

     Having the footage at my disposal, I was eager to start the edit. I downloaded the song and started to edit the sequence to the beat of the music. Everything was going well until I realized one major issue: 


    They are barely visible in some of these shots, let alone the main painting. Theres there, but how in gods green earth is the audience going to be able to interpret it as an award and not some random object hanging off the painting. Yeah it's that bad, they don't even look like ribbons. 


    These paintings have been through enough violence for me to just give up now. I have two options: scrap the painting footage and refilm or cope. Refilming is tricky. It would likely mean remaking a lot of the paintings that were torn, which will be time consuming. On top of that, remember the filming schedule? So that's changed slightly, On top of getting kicked out of a parking lot for filming and having to reschedule times and days with certain actors, things haven't exactly gone to plan with wades short film. So being able to find a time that he's available to redo scenes would be a bit difficult especially since theres less than two weeks left for this project. 

I'll have to to keep you updated on this

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